Frequently Asked Questions

  • Deciding the ‘right time' to put our pets to sleep can be one of the most difficult decisions we are faced with.

    When considering this, it is often helpful to think about your pet’s quality of life. Some signs that can indicate a reduced quality of life are:

    - Pain that can no longer be adequately managed with medications

    - Decreased or no interest in food

    - Reluctance or difficulty moving around

    - No longer finding joy in day-to-day activities, such as going for walks or interacting with family members

    - Difficulty breathing

    - Faecal or urinary incontinence that is difficult to manage

  • Dr Sarah will come to your home and spend some time getting to know you and your beautiful pet. She will explain the euthanasia process and discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

    Dr Sarah can also help you choose a space for your pet’s final goodbye, such as their favourite bed or outside in the warm sun, so that they can be as comfortable as possible.

    Once your pet has settled, Dr Sarah will administer a medication under the skin, which provides both pain relief and sedation. This medication takes approximately 5-10 minutes to take effect. You are welcome to sit with and cuddle your pet during this time, as you feel them become more relaxed.

Once everyone is ready, Dr Sarah will place an IV line and administer the final medication. This is a gentle anaesthetic, which allows your pet to gently drift off to sleep within a few minutes.

You are welcome to spend as much time as you need with your pet. If you choose to have your pet cremated, Dr Sarah will gently transfer them for you, and organise all of the next steps.

    Dr Sarah is also able to organise fur clippings and paw prints for your beautiful pet if you would like, for no additional charge.

  • Your pet's aftercare decision is a very personal one, with no right or wrong answer.

    There are a number of options available to help commemorate your beautiful pet:

    • Private Cremation, with your pet’s ashes returned to you in a vessel of your choice. We use Edenhills Pet Cremation.

    • Cremation without your pet’s ashes returned to you

    • Burial at home

    Dr Sarah is also able to organise fur clippings and paw prints for your beautiful pet if you would like, for no additional charge.

    If you decide to have your pet cremated, Dr Sarah will bring your pet home with her and organise all of the next steps for you.

  • The cost for the in-home euthanasia service is $430. There are no after hours fees, even if your pet requires assistance on an evening or weekend.

    There are additional costs should you choose to have your beloved pet cremated.

    Private cremation (including return of your pet's ashes) starts at $360.

    Cremation without your pet's ashes returned is $140.